Notice of SAHCA Dissolution

With effect from 26/11/24, SAHCA’s membership has voted to dissolve the association. Once that process is completed, this website will be shut down.


  • Full membership of the Association costs just £50 per annum, and entitles you to generous discounts on all of our courses and social events, not to mention access to our mailing list so that you are kept fully up to date with issues that effect solicitor advocates. We regularly negotiate favourable terms for our members in relation to books and periodical subscriptions, so be sure to visit the site regularly.

If you have qualified as a solicitor advocate within the last year, why not take advantage of our excellent introductory offer?

Even if you do not have your Higher Rights of Audience, you can still join us as an Associate Member just £40 per year provided you are:

  • A solicitor or any other legal professional; or
  • A member of the judiciary of the Courts of England and Wales; or
  • A law lecturer or equivalent academic figure teaching at a college, university or other institution on a course whose degrees are recognised by the Law Society of England and Wales as conferring exemption from the Common Professional Examination or similar qualification; or
  • A trainee solicitor during the currency of your training contract; or
  • A student currently undertaking the Legal Practice Course.

Click on the appropriate link below to be taken to the relevant registration page: –

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