With effect from 26/11/24, SAHCA’s membership has voted to dissolve the association. Once that process is completed, this website will be shut down.
The committee of SAHCA consists of the President and Officers, including the most recently retired Chair, and elected and co-opted members.
The committee meets monthly, usually in London, to plan its activities throughout the year, co-ordinate our training activities, address member concerns, and provide responses to consultations to various organisations including government departments, the Law Society, SRA and the Bar Council. In the past committee members have contributed to important consultations on issues such as the SRA proposal for a new system of accreditation of solicitor advocates in the higher courts, Court Dress, Legal Aid Reforms and the new system for the appointment of Queens Counsel.
The Committee welcomes solicitor advocates from diverse practice backgrounds, in order to represent the broad range of our members’ interests. If you feel you could contribute please contact the administrator.
Following elections at the AGM in October 2022 the new SAHCA Committee is composed of the following members:
Hon. President - Sir Gary Hickinbottom
Chair - Will Richmond-Coggan
Vice Chair - Alan Williams
Hon. Treasurer - Neusha Mazaher
Philip Goodall
Nick Ross
Anish Wadia
Deborah Piccos (ex officio)