With effect from 26/11/24, SAHCA’s membership has voted to dissolve the association. Once that process is completed, this website will be shut down.
The Ministry of Justice have announced (3 March 2022) that 30 of the so-called “Nightingale” court rooms are to be extended until March 2023, as efforts continue to bring the backlog of Crown Court cases under control. SAHCA is disappointed to note that the MoJ continues to seek to reframe this backlog as a product purely of the Covid pandemic. While of course the pandemic has made matters worse, it has only exacerbated an existing problem, and we continue to fear that the level of investment and recruitment being undertaken to meet this challenge is insufficient. It is notable that even within the announcement, the MoJ also references the continuing plans to close a number of other sites.
Click the link here for the full press release, and scroll down to the bottom for a link through to more detailed facts and figures on the current backlog position:
Nightingale Courts extended to support justice recovery - GOV.UK